If you’re looking for experienced, knowledgeable hydroseeding service that will leave you with a lush, green area, Instant Green Hydroseeding ensures a successful and efficient seeding job for locations throughout the Okanagan and western Canada.

You could be mowing your freshly seeded lawn in less than a month! With hydroseeding, grass grows evenly, not patchy, and is suitable for a wide range of projects. It helps to prevent erosion as well as noxious weeds from growing. We use different grass seed mixtures for various applications.

What is Hydroseeding?

Hydroseeding is a spray of seed and mulch used for many purposes, including soil erosion and a quicker, more uniform germination of grass or ground cover. Any seed can be applied by this method, including native grasses and wildflowers, erosion control mixtures and lawns. The hydroseed slurry consists of the chosen seeds, fertilizer, lime, bio-stimulants, and other agents to assist the spraying and boost that establishes quick healthy growth. Hydroseeding can be used to stimulate old damaged lawns or establish new ones.

Hydroseeding is useful for both residential and commercial applications:

  • Habitat Restoration
  • Erosion Control
  • Embankments and Slopes
  • Lawns
  • Pastures Land Reclamation
  • Construction Sites Sports Fields

Instant Green Hydroseeding

Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Give us a call!
Kelowna: 250-769-0098
Penticton: 250-493-4676

Email: instantgreenhydroseeding@shaw.ca

#113-437 Martin Street (PO BOX 158) Penticton BC, V2A 5L1

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